In the past the Bank collection Agency was termed as Negative business because of the approach of the collection agencies. However with Rajvee Collection Services entering into the market created a buzz in the industry with its positive approach and a unique methodology introduced in the collection process. Rajvee Management Services strives to introduce a new culture in the industry by approaching the clients with a positive attitude and an enthusiasm which facilitates a smooth operation. This has generated a holistic effect on the overall Collection Agency Business. The financial institutions have also experienced a better approach and this has resulted into huge success for all the associates involved in this industry.
The Brain child of the Director Mr. Gajendrasinh Barad, the live Kitchen concept has worked wonders. This unique concept of serving the live counters of various cuisines has created an effect which is overwhelming and at Rajvee Food Court this is just the beginning.
Maintaining the highest possible Quality standards has become the habit, when venturing into the Manufacturing industry the biggest challenge was to establish ourselves and create a brand image which was synonymous with Quality. The winding wire manufacturing unit maintains stringent precision and quality standards.